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Can I wear trainers rather than boots?Yes. Make sure they are suitable trail running/hiking trainers that have good grip for trails. Don't use road running trainers, and make sure you have a pair of boots in your holdall just in case you don't find your trainers supportive enough. It is very likely that parts of the trail will have snow so consider waterproof shoes.
Do I really need a torch? I thought we are hiking during the day.Yes. A head torch or hand torch is an essential piece of safety equipment whilst trekking in the mountains. There have been occasional cases of hikers getting separated from their group in bad weather and becoming lost on the mountain at night. A head torch will be critical if this happens to you. You will use it to help find your way and potentially for signalling for rescue.
Why do I need a towel?A towel is handy if the hotel you are staying at doesn't allow you to take them out of the hotel for swimming. Also, Mountain Mindset has not organised the accommodation for this trip and cannot be certain of what is provided by hotels.
I've looked at the conditions on the TMB and I'm worried that we'll be trekking in knee deep snow?Don't worry. It is unlikely that there will be any more accumulations of snow in June but it is possible. If your guide does decide that the snow is too deep or dangerous, he or she will attempt to find an alternative safe route or will return to the last known point of safety for transport to move the group to the next finish point or checkpoint.
Do I really need microspikes and trekking poles?Yes. These are a critical piece of your safety equipment for crossing icy snowfields that require more grip. If you don't have them, there is a high chance that you might not be able to cross a section of the trail and therefore, you, your guide and the rest of your group will need to return to a safe point to arrange alternative transport.
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