Weather and mountain conditions
10 June 2019
Whilst the warm weather of the past week has done a lot to melt the snow across the Mont Blanc region, there are still accumulations on the high passes which will need care. Teams are on the TMB and are crossing the passes but hiking poles and microspikes are essential for success.
The weather has been very mixed over the past few days and hikers have been experiencing four seasons of weather in a day.

04 June 2019
Summer has arrived and the temperatures are rising. The increased temperature is starting to melt snowfields and people are venturing onto the higher sections of the TMB. The warm weather is forecast to remain into the weekend which will further help the conditions higher up.
27 May 2019
Despite the higher temperatures of the last few days, snow is still abundant on the TMB. As can be seen from the Casermetta Espace Mont-Blanc webcam at the Col de La Seigne, snow accumulations are considerable and the route is still completely covered above 2000 meters.
Given these conditions, it is likely that the route will be challenging, but achievable, for the event and the local, commercial trips will probably start later in the season than normal.

Conditions 14 May 2019
The snow is still deep on the TMB above 1,800 / 2,000 m (with accumulations reaching 3 meters of thickness at an altitude of 2,700 m) and the cold temperatures of this period, below the seasonal average, do not allow for rapid melting of the snow cover. At the moment, it is therefore not yet possible to predict when the conditions will be good enough to hike the Tour safely. There is some warm weather due next week which might improve things.
Conditions May 9th 2019
A series of cold disturbances are affecting the Mont Blanc area and are depositing a fair amount of snow on the ground, above 1,600 - 1,700 meters. The paths have therefore temporarily assumed an almost winter appearance, as the image shows. Pending an anticyclonic recovery and rising temperatures, let's enjoy this whitewashed landscape.